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2015-04-14 |
Hotel Metropole 早餐蒙地卡羅摩納哥 Monte-Carlo, Monaco in 2011
(52) |
2015-04-12 |
Hotel de Paris蒙地卡羅摩納哥早餐Monte-Carlo, Monaco in 2013
(97) |
2015-04-12 |
Hotel de Paris蒙地卡羅摩納哥晚餐Monte-Carlo, Monaco in 2013
(78) |
2015-04-12 |
巴黎Ritz下午茶 @ Ritz Hotel, Paris in 2011
(201) |
2015-04-12 |
巴黎Ritz飯店早餐 @Ritz Hotel, Paris in 2011
(238) |
2015-04-10 |
Bulgari Hotel Resort, Milan in 2011米蘭寶格麗酒店午餐
(84) |
2015-04-10 |
慕尼黑文華東方酒店早餐---breakfast @Mandarin Oriental,Munich in 2011
(91) |
2015-04-09 |
慕尼黑文華東方米其林一星MARK's@Mandarin Oriental, Munich in 2011
(241) |
2015-04-08 |
Yoshi Restaurant of Joel Robuchon-Monte-Carlo, Monaco in 2013蒙地卡羅 摩納哥(二訪)
(25) |
2015-04-08 |
Yoshi Restaurant of Joel Robuchon-Monte-Carlo, Monaco in 2011蒙地卡羅 摩納哥
(11) |
2015-03-02 |
巴黎米其林三星L'Ambroisie---Paris in 2013
(900) |
2015-02-27 |
巴黎米其林三星Le Meurice---Paris in 2011
(69) |
2015-02-13 |
倫敦米其林一星YAUATCHA唐茶苑---London in 2011
(317) |
2015-02-13 |
倫敦米其林Michelin-starred at Claridge's---London in 2011
(22) |